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Credit Reporting Services


When you use Credit Bureau Data to fulfill your credit reporting needs, you get more than just the information available through the national credit bureaus. You also get personal attention and fact-checking services along with information from our own database that may not be included in traditional credit reports. Our database contains records on all the debtors we work with, including those from our regular collection and check recovery services. With these resources, we provide the most complete, up-to-date information available anywhere.

Consumer Assistance

In addition to our business services, we can also assist your customers. When they have a discrepancy with reports provided by Credit Bureau Data, they can call on us for help and we will assist them in correcting the problem. This is a complimentary service that benefits both you and your customers.

Credit Education

Upon request, our credit reporting professionals teach classes to help emerging consumers understand responsible credit use. Credit Bureau Data also provides speakers to come and talk about credit and credit reports to business organizations.

Credit Reports

Verbal credit reports from Credit Bureau Data can assist in helping you determine whether to grant credit to your customers. To ensure the speed necessary for this service, we combine the resources of our national credit bureau affiliation with our own in-house collection database. Through affiliation with one of the three largest credit bureaus (Equifax), we can give you a thorough debtor profile in as little as 15 minutes — allowing you to make timely, informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Help protect your company and limit your losses by utilizing Credit Bureau Data’s quick, inexpensive Credit Reporting Services.

“Credit Bureau Data has a pleasant staff to work with and is a real asset to our collection efforts.”